There’s now an option to order a case for the WT32. If you want to download it yourself, you can download it at Printables (together with all other cases).
I have all information on my GitHub page:
Default yaml
The default yaml code I use is here.
Serial pin for data
In the middle left you see the RXD and TXD for serial communication. Only the RXD is used as DSMR is an oneway communication protocol.
uart:   id: uart_dsmr  baud_rate: 115200   rx_pin: GPIO5   rx_buffer_size: 1700
And for the DSMR the id: uart_dsmr is used:
dsmr: uart_id: uart_dsmr id: dsmr_instance max_telegram_length: 1700
Ethernet pins for ESPHome
The following settings are used in case of using ESPHome:
ethernet: type: LAN8720 mdc_pin: GPIO23 mdio_pin: GPIO18 clk_mode: GPIO0_IN phy_addr: 1 power_pin: GPIO16