New stock soon…

At this moment I’m stocking up the devices. They’ll be soon in the webshop.


At this moment I’ve prepared 100x SlimmeLezer, the only thing that’s missing is the Wemos. Those are arriving this week and next week (I made a mistake in ordering… 2x 10pcs instead of 2x 60pcs 😕)

ESPHome Doorbell

At this moment I’ve prepared 50x ESPHome Doorbell, the only thing that’s missing is the Wemos.

P1 ethernet reader

There are 20x P1 ethernet ready and 40x ethernet modules on their way. About 80x PCB on stock, so soon there will be 60pcs back on stock.

I can’t ship those 20 which are ready yet. The anti static bags which I use to ship haven’t arrived yet.

Update: I’ve got 42x P1 ethernet reader ready. Still waiting on the anti static bags to arrive…

Notification on stock

I’ve added a notification to get notified when the product is back on stock. This is not a subscription, it’s an one-time notifier (so no spamming 🙂 )


  1. sevagjb

    Yes finally, i need some products and I’m wanting from 2 weeks,
    all the thanks to Marcel, i imagine how much you are busy
    good luck i will wait the notification mail

        1. Marcel

          Helaas ging het inderdaad heel snel… Eind deze week komt er meer voorraad en volgende week nog meer. In totaal 180 stuks.

  2. Zsolt

    the stock notification is a game changer, thanks Marcel, keep up the good work! 🙂 (Did a critical notificaton rule on your address to make sure I won’t miss the opportunity 😀 :D)

    1. Marcel

      You guys (and gals) are buying faster than I can produce 😂. A 100-ish will be produced within a week. I’m also testing a new version (same hardware, only 100% assembled). When that’s ready, I can order bigger batches and will the empty stock be (hopefully) history 🙂

  3. sevagjb

    thank you to make this order possible, i order P1-ethernet with the nice case,
    when i get it i will start working on it in the HA.

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Marcel

      Nah, I’m not screwing anybody 😉 This week another 40 will appear in the shop. Be sure to subscribe for notification again.

      1. Zsolt


        just resubscribed… I missed the alert by only 15 minutes, and it was all gone 😀

        Time to consider buying a factory Marcel, this thing would be a hot sale on Amazon 😀

        1. Marcel

          Now what’s the fun of that? 🙂 I am re-enginering the whole thing to make it 100% assembled in factory. Soon it wil be more on stock 🙂

    1. Marcel

      Ergens deze week… maar door een verandering in design gaat/kan de productie omhoog en zal ik sneller meer op voorraad kunnen hebben… eventjes geduld (of snel zijn komende week ;-)) Meld je even opnieuw aan voor notificatie, je oude aanmelding is niet meer geldig…

    1. Marcel

      yeah,.. I noticed… I’m making another 40 upcoming days. Please resubscribe to the product and you’ll gat a notification.

  4. sevagjb

    Good morning,
    Yesterday on 21:00 o’clock i received the notifications email to buy the esp 8266 meter
    In that time i was in my work and i checked the email around 23:30 i discovered is sold out,
    I’m so disappointed it went extremely fast and now i must wait one more time ):

    Is not so bad but the waiting it sucks (:

  5. Wtje

    Hoi Marcel,

    Echt top dat je er weer een aantal gaat maken. Ik hoop echt dat ik er een te pakken krijg, want ik heb dit zoooooo nodig 😁. Ik houd mn email goed in de gaten 😉.

      1. Wtje

        Bedankt voor jouw snelle reactie.

        Dat is goed om te horen Marcel. Kan niet wachten. Hopelijk ben ik er aankomende ronde op tijd bij.

  6. Wtje

    Gewoon weer achter het net gevist!!! Niet normaal. Ik was er snel bij, maar helaas. Wordt er helemaal gek van. Wanneer zijn ze weer op voorraad?

    1. Marcel

      Helaas ging het inderdaad heel snel… Eind deze week komt er meer voorraad en volgende week nog meer. In totaal 180 stuks.

  7. Patrick

    Helaas binnen het uur weer uitverkocht. Nu weer wachten tot de volgende batch. 🙁
    Er is veel vraag dus dat is een goed teken, hopelijk zijn ze weer snel wel op voorraad.

    1. Marcel

      Helaas ging het inderdaad heel snel… Eind deze week komt er meer voorraad en volgende week nog meer. In totaal 180 stuks.

  8. jeroen

    I received an email today (13th) with the message “Your Subscribed Product SlimmeLezer (SL-CASE) is now back in stock! ”

    I checked the site within 45 minutes, but already out-of stock (again)?

    1. Zsolt

      Yeah, such a bummer, I also missed it – again! – due to a stupid meeting.. Someone who’s fast enough, please order 1 or me, too! 😀

  9. sevagjb

    Hello guys,
    Big shout out to Marcel, i received my orders and everything work perfect
    actually, i tried the ethernet board and the wifi in HA there are no problem at all,
    is good design and quality PCB’s, well made with the printing case
    and support after selling
    I’m so satisfied and i want to pass my experience with you

  10. Michael

    Hi Marce!!

    A very interesting product you have here. I am wondering it the reader works with other than a DSMR smart meter. I have a smart meter here in Austria with an P1 port (it is a Landis+Gyr E450). it uses the standards IDIS and DLMS/COSEM. As far as I could find out the P1 port is run with 40 V. Do you know by any chance if the SlimmeLezer works with such a smart meter (especially the “Powered via P1 port” part)?

    I am aware that I will need to write my own code.

    Cheers, Michael

    1. Marcel

      I’ve looked it up: Do you have more information about the meter? As far as I can see, it only has an optical and a mbus interface (mbus is a RJ45 connector, 8 pins. P1 port is a RJ12 connector, 6 pins). My readers really needs a P1 port. Though I’m thinking of making a mbus variation… but that will take some time to develop. If you wanna chat/talk more about the mbus/options, mail me at any e-mailadres (like webshop@ 😉 ).

  11. Thijs


    ik heb contant een checksum mismatch. Wat kan dit zijn?

    Stukje Log:

    [D][sensor:121]: ‘Power Consumed Phase 2’: Sending state 0.11500 kW with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [E][dsmr:138]: !2C7D
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:138]: !C38A
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:138]: !E60F
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:138]: !9C28
    Checksum mismatch
    [D][sensor:121]: ‘Energy Consumed Tariff 1’: Sending state 2199.67896 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [D][sensor:121]: ‘Energy Consumed Tariff 2’: Sending state 2200.97900 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy

          1. Dennis

            Aah oke. Geen Gebruik gemaakt van Afduino IDE dus?
            Is het simpel om de code aan te passen om andere pinnen wat te laten doen?

          2. Marcel

            Ik bied twee opties aan: ESPHome en esp-link. Esp-link is niks anders dan een serial2wifi bridge en kan je niks met de overige pinnen. ESPHome geeft je de mogelijkheid om ook andere pinnen te benutten, maar is wel gebonden aan esphome … wil je eigen code schrijven, is dat prima. Gebruik D7/GPIO13 als Rx (hardwarematig), dan kan je de rest ook in je code gebruiken.

  12. Hank

    Couldn’t find an email address, so I’m trying here instead.

    Got one of the older Slimmelezers (v1.1.1). Trying to get it to work with my Swedish meter which isn’t outputting data according to the P1-standard, which means I have to use a different code.

    Does anybody know which pins are used for RX and TX on these older models?

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