As the demand for the doorbell is still high, I’ve decided to redesign the whole doorbell to make it more easy to produce. As where I normally would solder the relay, capacitors, headers and connectors by hand, it was a time consuming job. With this new design it’s fully assembled, except the wemos (on purpose).
I could have made it all on one pcb (so the esp12f, or another version), yet the pcb would even be larger than it is now, as double sided assembly isn’t supported by JLCPCB (yes, this I trust them to make/assemble this). And when an esp dies, its easier to replace by the customer.
I’ve got for now about 16 pieces left for in the webshop, and another 120 will be within a few weeks.
There’s also a case ready for the doorbell, which will be sold separately.
Got no real (good) product photo’s yet, but these I took a while ago:
Hi Marcel,
When is ‘soon’? I would like to try this since my wireless doorbell rings all the time without somebody pressing the button. I now control the power to the chime so it shutsdown after 23.00 lol.
Also, what type of chime do you recommend with this setup? Do you have a link maybe?
Thanks for your reply and hard work.
I might be placing some in stock today. without case. The case is still in fine tuning.
Awesome! I see it’s in stock, will quickly grab one. As I mentioned I will have to move over from a cheap wireless version back to a wired version.
Any recommendations on buttons or chimes to use with your product?
Yes I do 🙂 I wouldn’t go for the cheapest button, go for something like this. For power supply I’ve got this one. For the bell, thats a personal thing. I like the ding-dong. I’ve got this on the attic and downstairs this one.
Ben Schol
Hi Marcel,
How is the bell in the attic connected? Is it also attached to the ‘slimme deurbel’? I’m looking for something where I do not need to pull a second wire to my attic.
Simple: only power and the bell. It’s triggered via Home Assistant (1 doorbell downstairs and one on the attic)
Thank you for the new doorbell and the encouraging message inside 🙂
I used my brain this time and it works great, really happy with it.
Thanks Marcel!
Danny Janssen
How does home assistant triggers the ding dong on the attic?
Can the linked ding dong be added to home assistant?
Look at this code:
There is a script and api, which can be triggered from an automation (service: esphome.doorbell_dingdong)
Michaël Arnauts
The two different headers for the wemos is an interesting idea (I assume so it is placed correctly). But the downside is that most people who already have a wemos won’t have the headers soldered on like this probably, so it’s not “easily” replaceable.
I do love what you are doing however, just a thing that crossed my mind.
Buying a new Wemos is quite cheap and therefore easily to replace. What if you have soldered male headers instead of female headers? Too many options, so I’ve chosen for this. It’s indeed to prevent for wrong placing of the Wemos 🙂
Hi Marcel! Thanks for the quick delivery. Just installed the doorbell, very easy.. The Wemos led flashes blue once, and then nothing. I don’t see a network coming up. Do you know what the problem could be? I have a 24V AC bell travo. Let me know, thanks. Gr. Chiel
What if you pull of the Wemos and connect it to usb power? There is a change I’ve forgot to put the firmware on it.
It looks like if flashed the wrong firmware on it. If you connect it via USB to your computer and read out the serial interface, you’ll see that it’s scanning for wifi, yet it isn’t starting the captive portal (was not in this config). Here you can download the latest firmware with captive portal:
Hi Marcel, could happen to anyone! No problem! Compiled my own and flashed it, it works exept for the portal indeed. Forgot to add it in the config as well. Thanks for your swift reply and help! Will flash it again with your new firmware. But it works already very nice in Home Assistant! Gr. Chiel
Gerard Kappen
Hi Marcel,
I’m completely new to this and I’m a bit stuck. I seem to have the same problem, there’s no SSID coming online if I connect the ‘doorbell’. How can I get this .bin file onto my board? I connected it using USB and installed a driver for it. I tried installing `esphomeflasher` but can’t seem to get past installing the wspython requirement because it keeps complaining about needing VC 14.3 (which I installed)
Is there an option to get it going using the ESPHome integration in Home Assistant?
Yeah, you can connect the usb to the server where home assistant is running and use the esphome add-on.
This firmware is correct :
My bad… I used a firmware without the AP and captive portal in it.
Peter Stuifzand
I just installed the doorbell. Works fine, but needed a re-flash to make it work with Home Assistant. There was no way to connect it to the WiFi.
I have used this version from Github with the wifi secrets filled in.
Yeah, my bad… I used a firmware without the AP and captive portal in it. I’ve created a new firmware (but you’ve got your own I see 🙂 ):
I have a beltrafo 0918-001 8V 0,5A and was wondering if that was enough to power your smart doorbel
Yes, it’s most common used in NL
Fabian Gerle
Hey Marcel,
thank you for the quick delivery to Germany! I am still trying to figure out my doorbell since I live in a rented apartment and have no idea how the system is set up. I have three cables connected to my dumb doorbell and I measure ca. 4V AC between two pairs and 0V between the third pair. When I connect the doorbell v2.0 to the 4V lines nothing happens. What is the minimal voltage required by the doorbell? And is there any way I can make it work without asking the landlord to install a new transformer?
Let me test that for you … It’s designed for voltages higher than 5 volt. Not sure what the voltage-out is when lower voltage-in is used.
Specsheet states Vin 4,75 ~ 40 … so without testing I can say that you need at least 5-ish volt in.
You can buy any simple door transformer (to be honest, 4V is quite low) In Holland we use commonly 8/12/24 volt AC.
If you can isolate the doorbell switch (so really a switch, no electronics and/or power connected to the switch) than you can use your own transformer and bell. See this schematic for doorbell v1.3
Received mine today and wired it up. Question I have, is there a way to trigger the doorbell via the device? I only see Chime Active and Restart for controls. I’m getting the alerts when it is rang but I’d like to be able to trigger the doorbell from other devices. (a wireless button for example)
Hi, yes there is a service: dingdong 🙂 I’m using this yaml file to pre flash the doorbell.
Under services in HA you can find it.: _ So for the doorbell it should be ESPHome: doorbell_dingdong 🙂
I don’t see any esp services listed under the dev tools. Certainly nothing doorbell related.
Maybe you’ve got an older firmware… try this in Chrome or Edge browser:
Any way to wire upgrade OTA? This is wired and sealed in place now.
Hi, yes it’s downloadable here:
Note that after updating, you need to reconnect it to your wifi.
If you’re running esphome as add-on, you can make your own firmware with your wifi credentials in it.
Is there a web interface or something I upload that to? Sorry my experience is mainly is tasmota and I didn’t see a web interface on this at port 80
Hmmm I don’t think so, its not needed… You can pull off the Wemos, flash it, and place it back (be careful you place it in the right spot)
J French
OK, I pulled the ESP, connected via USB, flashed using the web URL you stated. Plugged back in and restarted and I see the firmware at 2021.12.0 with today’s date and I still don’t see that ding-dong service to call.
Maybe building your own firmware using this one:
Hi Marcel, ordered and installed Doorbell a few months ago and works like a charm. Will the older model fit into the V2 case? I would really like to have a casing for it.
No, the older version doesn’t fit in that case. You can try this one:
Antonie Vonk
Hi Marcel,
Is er zicht op wanneer de doorbell v2 weer op voorraad is?
Hoi Antonie, die is op voorraad, echter is de webshop nog tijdelijk dicht ivm inrichten voor een betere btw afhandeling 🙂 Eind januari gok ik de webshop weer open te zetten.
Antonie Vonk
Hi Marcel,
Ik heb netjes een mailtje gehad dat de doorbel V2 weer op voorraad was.
3 uurtjes na dat ik het mailtje gekregen heb, heb ik geprobeerd hem te bestellen maar wederom staat hij in de shop op “out of stock”.
Is er zicht op wanneer hij weer op voorraad is?
Gr. Antonie
Ik had er helaas niet zoveel, maar ze staan weer in bestelling.
What are the odds you get more in stock? Would love to get my hands on one.
Ordered them again, will soon be on stock 🙂
Hi Marcel, I see you linked to a wired push button with light as an example button to use. Does that mean the light in the pushbutton will be powered by doorbell v2? That would be awesome!
Awaiting new stock 🙂
Hi Marcel,
Just received the new doorbell.
Does this also work without the bell? I only want to use the button and power supply.
And then some automation via HomeAssistent to phone & lights.
How do I connect everything together?
The current situation: Two red wires are connected to the power (8V), 1 red goes to the button & 1 red goes to the doorbell. The blue wires from the button and doorbell are connected to each other.
Yes wil work! Connect the power to the power connector and the switch direct to the switch connector (note that it is a gpio based switch, a high pulled gpio triggered via shorting it to ground, so put no voltage to that port and dont use swithes with light bulbs in it).
In HA you can add an automation to that trigger (something like this:
Hi Marcel,
I would like to use the kit only to detect when the button is pressed. I would leave the doorbell as is otherwise. Power is 18VAC, one wire goes to one connector of the chime, the other goes to one connector of the switch which then connects to the other connector of the chime (ding-dong style) when pressed.
Can I safely connect the switch to the device, knowing that it is powered when pressed ? Given your reply above I’m not sure of that…
You can not connect the doorbell-module parallel to the doorbell switch. That will fry the wemos module. That’s based/designed on a simple GPIO setup (3.3 volt). The only way to make it work is to connect the doorbell module as it is designed to work. See the diagram on the page (which I need to change as the pcb has been upgraded).
I feared that might be the case. Thanks anyway. It’s a beautiful piece of work, only I don’t want to risk muting the doorbell in wifi or HA are out.
Well, it works standalone. If wifi drops, the esp will continue to work. The only thing that can happen is that ESPHome devices keep restarting if connection to HA is lost longer than a given time. Such restart takes about 2~4 seconds. If someone rings exactly in that period, yeah, than it wont work.
Hi Marcel,
Any information on when the doorbell might be back on stock again?
Kind regards
Around end of June 🙂
Marcel, any experience powering the door bell by battery or suggestions for which one to pick?
Actually no,… if you power it via the usb (you need to lift the wemos a little) the power wont go to the bell output, as its only switching the input power to the bell output. It really depends on how you exactly want to use it.
Would this solution also be usable to make a dumb firealarm smart when using linked firex KF20R detectors and a SMK23RU relay stand?
Not sure, it’s intended to work with a switch, a pulled-up gpio, which you pull down with the doorbell switch.
To be honest, you dont mess with the smoke detector. If something happens and the smoke detector doesn’t work for some reason…
You could look if the smoke detector has an external connection for triggering?
Is deze ook te krijgen met een ethernet poort, zodat hij bedraad met het netwerk kan verbinden ipv via WiFi?
Ik ben wel aan het kijken naar een all-in-one idee met een Olimex ESP32 POE. Maar dat is nog niet op korte termijn. Mogelijk over een maandje pas kunnen beginnen met prototypes maken.
Het lukt me sinds een paar maand niet meer om de deurbel verbonden te krijgen met mijn Ubiquiti wifi. Geen idee hoe het gekomen is maar hij wil gewoon niet connecten. Heel af en toe is de deurbel ineens online, maar is al vrij snel weer offline. Heb van alles geprobeerd. Al een paar keer nieuwe firmware geflashed via USB, nieuw wifi netwerk aangemaakt alleen in de 2.4 Ghz, bepaalde vaste kanalen etc. Niets lijkt te werken, hij wil gewoon niet stabiel connecten. Jij wellicht nog een idee wat ik zou kunnen proberen?
Hopelijk heb je geen WPA3 en/of PMF aan staan, daar kan de esp12f (esphome etc) niet mee overweg. Ikzelf heb ook Ubiquiti met meerder AP’s, switches, een UDM Pro, en al mijn devices kunnen gewoon verbinden. Je zou me eventueel je 2.4GHz instellingen naar me kunnen mailen, dan vergelijk ik het even met mijn instellingen.
Ik zie de ESP wil scannen naar netwerken maar soms wil hij gewoon niets zien of verbinden. Krijg ook vaak de ‘Auth expired’ en ‘Association expired’ foutmeldingen. Als ik online kijk is vaak de oplossing om een nieuwe esp8266 te kopen. Ik gebruik overigens alleen WPA2 en PMF staat op ‘disabled’.
Ik heb deze foutmelding voorbij horen komen en was toen ook een issue met wifi settings, zal eens kijken of ik dat terug kan vinden, je bent de tweede die met deze melding nu komt.
Ik heb het gevonden, maar de exacte oplossing is nog een onzekerheid. Diegene had er even last van, en na een tijd werkte het weer. Bij hem was het vermoedelijk de signaal sterkte. Waar ik ook aan zit te denken, is dat het er een netwerk in de buurt is de deauths stuurt, en/of containt (bijde gevallen mag niet, is in strijd met de telecomwet). Maar dat is voor nu het enige wat ik kan verklaren dat je auth expired en association expired krijgt. Zie je niet veel/hoge channel utilization op die kanaal waar de AP zit? Zie je ook of het op de juiste AP connect? Je kan een device pinnen/locken aan een AP. Soms komt het voor dat de esp nog aan een andere AP wil blijven plakken.
Arjen Sterenborg
Als ik een nieuwe ESP8266 pak en die via USB en ESPHOME flash dan maakt hij gelijk verbinding en is online en lijkt goed. Als ik deze daarna in het deurbel bord prik en de beltrafo weer inschakel hoor ik gelijk de bel één keer ‘half’ bellen en daarna komt er een brom uit de bel. De deurbel buiten werkt dan niet en de ESP komt niet online op wifi.
Als ik de EPS8266 dan weer via USB aansluit kan ik hem ook niet uitlezen of flashen en lijkt ‘dood’ te zijn. Enig idee?
Een brom duid meestal op een niet goed werkende transformator. Kans is groot dat de transformator aan de oude kant is en vervangen moet worden (heb dit zelf mijn mijn deurbel meegemaakt en enkele andere klanten daarover gehoord).
Nou ik weet het echt niet meer. Ik ben inmiddels 3 nieuwe D1 mini’s verder. Alle drie werken prima als ze niet op het bordje van de bel zitten. Gaan gelijk aan en zijn online. Plaats ik ze op het bordje in de meterkast zijn ze niet meer bereikbaar. Zoals ik al zei doen de eerste twee (via ali) niks meer en komt er continu een brom uit de bel. Nu een nieuwe gekocht bij en die werkt alleen als hij niet op het bordje zit. Via usb aansluiten op de pc is opstarten en online, eenmaal op het bordje is niks meer.
Hoi Arjen, geeft de printplaat wel (voldoende) spanning om de wemos te voeden? Ik heb het nog nooit meegemaakt, maar ik sluit niks uit, misschien is de printplaat niet helemaal goed. In dat geval valt dat uiteraard onder garantie. Laat het me even weten en mail me via support-at-zuidwijk-dot-com (Even op deze manier om spam tegen te gaan)
Marcel, please help me resolve my issue. I’ve reached out to you one month ago via email (Order #12943 purchased ESPdoorbell) and no reply. I hope you can do something about it.
We’ve got contact via email 🙂