Fix for checksum mismatch

Thanks to a lot of good work and effort of Maurice Makaay, there is a fix for the checksum mismatch error (here and here on GitHub). The reason in short is: “telegrams are getting more data as expected and doesn’t fit therefore in the declared size”. Two fixes are in the original code (for now, as it will be merged eventually in the core).

Fix one

Under uart there is a line added rx_buffer_size: 1500. This makes the rx buffer larger.

Fix two

Second fix is a piece of external code from Maurice Makaay:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: fix-dsmr-read-chunk-size
    components: [ "dsmr" ]
    refresh: 60s

This does some extra stuff for the size of the telegram. I can’t write it otherwise than this, as I’m not a coder like Maurice 😂 But is does fix the issue and thats all I care about.

The main code

This is the whole code I’m using. That makes it usable for anyone in Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and other counties.

I do recommend everybody to use their own code within ESPHome. Then you can remove unneeded pieces of code. The less code you use, the better.

I’ve noticed recently that the new ESPHome code is getting more power-hungry. More CPU is used and more wifi transmissions. And that causes in some cases to cross the 250mA limit on the P1 port.

  device_name: slimmelezer
  device_description: "DIY P1 module to read your smart meter"
  name: ${device_name}
  comment: "${device_description}"
  platform: ESP8266
  esp8266_restore_from_flash: true
  board: d1_mini
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
    name: zuidwijk.slimmelezer
    version: "1.0"
      - if:
            lambda: return id(has_key);
            - lambda: |-
                std::string key(id(stored_decryption_key), 32);
            - logger.log:
                level: info
                format: "Not using decryption key. If you need to set a key use Home Assistant service 'ESPHome:  ${device_name}_set_dsmr_key'"

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: fix-dsmr-read-chunk-size
    components: [ "dsmr" ]
    refresh: 60s
    - ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
      password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: ${device_name}
    ap_timeout: 15s


# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0

# Enable Home Assistant API
    service: set_dsmr_key
      private_key: string
      - logger.log:
          format: Setting private key %s. Set to empty string to disable
          args: [private_key.c_str()]
      - globals.set:
          id: has_key
          value: !lambda "return private_key.length() == 32;"
      - lambda: |-
          if (private_key.length() == 32)
            private_key.copy(id(stored_decryption_key), 32);


  port: 80

  baud_rate: 115200
  rx_pin: D7
  rx_buffer_size: 1500

  - id: has_key
    type: bool
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: "false"
  - id: stored_decryption_key
    type: char[32]
    restore_value: yes

  id: dsmr_instance
  # For Luxembourg users set here your decryption key
  #decryption_key: !secret decryption_key // enable this when using decryption for Luxembourg; key like '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'

  - platform: dsmr
      name: "Energy Consumed Luxembourg"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Consumed Tariff 1"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Consumed Tariff 2"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Luxembourg"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Tariff 1"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Tariff 2"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Power Consumed"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Electricity Failures"
      icon: mdi:alert
      name: "Long Electricity Failures"
      icon: mdi:alert
      name: "Voltage Phase 1"
      name: "Voltage Phase 2"
      name: "Voltage Phase 3"
      name: "Current Phase 1"
      name: "Current Phase 2"
      name: "Current Phase 3"
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 1"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 2"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 3"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 1"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 2"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 3"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Gas Consumed"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Gas Consumed Belgium"
      state_class: total_increasing
  - platform: uptime
    name: "SlimmeLezer Uptime"
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi Signal"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: dsmr
      name: "DSMR Identification"
      name: "DSMR Version"
      name: "DSMR Version Belgium"
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "SlimmeLezer IP Address"
      name: "SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi SSID"
      name: "SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi BSSID"
  - platform: version
    name: "ESPHome Version"
    hide_timestamp: true


    1. Marcel

      I’m thinking about making a version with extra headers to attach a water meter (needs to be standard, otherwise its a hassle to make it all work). Gas meter should be integrated/connected to your smart meter. Or do you have another version?

        1. Marcel

          Well, I’m about to order a water meter to do some testings… I dont get the clue for gasmeter. You’re not having a gasmeter. If you have one, or get one, it would be integrated into the Smart Meter and the readout should be in the telegrams of the Smart Meter.

          1. BJ

            I am using P1Monitor with an induction sensor for the watermeter. I want to switch to the slimmelezer because it uses the power supply of the slimmemeter and I can reuse my Raspberry PI. The lack of a watermeter connector/pins on the board is the only thing stopping me.

          2. Marcel

            Have you got a suggestion for me for how to add an optional header? It’s not hard to add an external sensor. The only issue/challenge is powering it. The DSMR 5 meter can deliver max 250mA (which will be consumed by the ESP8266). Adding more sensors might cause brown-outs and therefore needs external power via usb.

  1. Chris van Aalst

    Marcel, Maurice,

    Thanks this fixed my problem – (Slimmelezer incl Belgian fix) – compiled with ESPHome.



  2. Rogier

    I really wanted this to be the fix. However… no ajetoo here. Copy pasted the entire flash log below:

    [20:55:07][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [20:55:08][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [20:55:09][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [20:55:10][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit

    1. Marcel

      I removed most of the log, as it is way too big for a post on my website. I left the most important error message. Please look at here. And please do open an issue on the ESPHome GitHub issue page. Not that I’m unwilling, yet there is more knowledge there and the developers are there too.

  3. Hannon Queiroz

    Hi Marcel, I tried this fix but I run into a problem when I add the external_components section. Do you know what this could be? (Let me know if there is a better channel to communicate abou this for better formatting or something like that.


    1. Marcel

      Hi Hannon, I’ve removed the log, as that’s getting too big for the website. Please look here for all existing knowledge. If you can’t find it, please open a new issue there.

  4. Deze

    Thanks for your work and for this great device! Unfortunately this patch did not solve the problem for me either, I get the following error message in the log: ” Error: telegram larger than buffer (1500 bytes)”.
    I have an SX631 meter and I am with a Hungarian service provider. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for a solution? Any help is welcome…

        1. Zsolt

          Deze, did it solve your problem? I’m really cuorious, since I’m also planning to use Slimme in Hungary 🙂 As soon as Marcel will have some on stock again 🙂

          1. Marcel

            Well, it did solve on my meter in The Netherlands, and most likely it will solve that issue for any meter (as long as it has a P1 port and not mbus port).

  5. Remco

    INFO Starting log output from slimmelezer.local using esphome API
    WARNING Can’t connect to ESPHome API for slimmelezer.local: Timeout while connecting to (‘’, 6053)
    INFO Trying to reconnect to slimmelezer.local in the background

    ik krijg dit als error als ik de code in esphome zet.

  6. Remco

    Got it working. Enige andere probleem is hij laat het nu in kWh zien ipv watt dus 0.37 kWh laat hij dus zien op de grafiek als 0.37 W.

  7. Dennis


    Hopelijk kan je me op weg helpen. Ik kreeg de checksum error dus update gedaan via ESPHOME ( met bovenstaande code) maar krijg nu weer een andere error waar ik niet uit kom.

    Missing unit
    [16:04:45][C][mdns:084]: mDNS:
    [16:04:45][C][mdns:085]: Hostname: slimmelezer
    [16:04:45][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:46][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:47][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:48][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:49][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:50][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:51][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:52][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:53][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:54][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:55][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:56][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)
    Missing unit
    [16:04:57][E][dsmr:168]: 0-1:24.2.1(700101010000W)(00000000)

    Enig idee waarom? gr

      1. Nick


        Ik had ook dat probleem met de missing unit. Maar als ik de slimmelezer bij een kennis instak werkte alles normaal, dus dit lijkt geen probleem van de slimmelezer te zijn, eerder een probleem met de gasmeter. Mijn digitale meters (gas & elektriciteit) staan in de kelder opgesteld en mijn electricitetismeter heeft daar geen GPRS verbinding. Volgens Fluvius kan in dat geval ook de gasmeter niet communiceren met de elektriciteitsmeter en krijg ik daarom op de P1 poort gewoon geen geldige gas data. Ik heb geen idee of Fluvius me iets wijsmaakt, maar het zou dus mogelijks liggen aan het feit dat je gasmeter niet correct met je electriciteitsmeter kan communiceren. Op de website van Fluvius kan ik dan ook niet mijn verbruik (noch gas, noch electriciteit) raadplegen. Volgens Fluvius is hier niets aan te doen (great).

        1. Dennis

          Hi Nick,

          Ik heb mijn probleem kunnen oplossen nadat ik ESPHOME een update had gegeven en daarna via OTA een nieuwe bin. file naar de ESP had gestuurd.

          Alles werkt weer, gr


  8. Hannon Queiroz

    Hi Marcel, after I updated ESPHome and applied the checksum mismatch fix (which worked, btw), the gas consumption value will sometimes read out 0 for a while and then go back to the correct reading from my smart meter. I have opend an issue on ESPHome github page, but maybe you have an idea of what’s causing it? Please see the issue here:

    1. Marcel

      To be honest, I have no idea. It could be that the telegram is corrupt and/or incomplete and therefore missing some data. When that happens, you need to compare the data in ESPHome with the actual telegram to see what’s different. Only then you can go troubleshoot.

  9. Wouter

    Thanks. Like it!
    Some questions:

    – When I apply this fix in the config file and compile it and upload it, then dowloading the firmware from isn’t necessary anymore, right?
    – When this code is merged as described here, we can remove the extra lines in de config? And is there any harm in keeping it there when it is merged?
    – If I have the “slimmelezer” in my ESPHome tab in Home Assistant, will there be automatic update notifications of firmware when available?

    1. Marcel

      Hi Wouter, when using your own yaml code within ESPHome (which I highly recommend), you dont need anything from my website. You can remove any unneeded lines from the config, like the whole decrypt for Luxembourg meters. Once you download a new ESHPome, it will prompt to update your devices which runs on older ESPHome 🙂

    2. Wouter

      Sorry to ask again: So besides the Luxembourg/Belgium stuff I can also remove this code:

      – source:
      type: git
      ref: fix-dsmr-read-chunk-size
      components: [ “dsmr” ]
      refresh: 60s

      from my yaml config inside ESPHome in Home Assistant?
      I assumed it was a patch on the original code and I did a clean build… seems to work fine though.

  10. Peter Norlander


    I just got my slimmelezer yesterday, thanks! But I get a “Checksum mismatch” in the logs. Shouldn’t this be fixed already since it says my ESP-home version is “2021.12.0”? See complete message below.

    I also wonder if it is correct that the total of consumed energy is displayed as “Energy Consumed Luxembourg” since I live in Sweden. Do I need to change anything or is it ok?

    This is the message in the logs:
    [D][sensor:113]: ‘SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi Signal’: Sending state -85.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [E][dsmr:265]: !7CA6
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:265]: !E137
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:265]: !B071
    Checksum mismatch
    [D][sensor:113]: ‘SlimmeLezer Uptime’: Sending state 6814.59082 s with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [E][dsmr:265]: !3D55
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:265]: !1B8F
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:265]: !3C89
    Checksum mismatch
    [D][sensor:113]: ‘SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi Signal’: Sending state -84.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy

    1. Marcel

      Hi Peter, I’m guessing the cause is that I’m using improv_serial, which needs a baud_rate higher than 0 in the logger section. DSMR needs a baud_rate: 0 to be sure its using hardware serial. When using baud_rate higer than 0, it will use software_serial, and that you dont want. This is my mistake. I really want to use improv_serial,… but that aint gonna work. (Issue on Github)

      1. Peter Norlander

        Hi Marcel!
        Thanks for the reply. Ok, I read the issue on github and that sounds like quite a big change in esphome so I guess this will take a while. But is this causing any issues currently or can I simply ignore the error message?

        Did you see my other question? I also wonder if it is correct that the total of consumed energy is displayed as “Energy Consumed Luxembourg” since I live in Sweden. Do I need to change anything or is it ok?

        1. Marcel

          The “big change” isnt that big issue… just leave out improv_serial and its fixed. Yet improv is great to flash your device via a webbrowser. All you need is the serial driver, nothing more. I advice you to look at the DSMR page on ESPHome and look for what you need. I’ve made the code very basic yet as wide possible (NL, LUX, BE) as that is the most common used fields.

          The other option is to use esp-link, and connect it to Home Assistant via the “DSMR Slimme Meter” integration. Choose the IP of the device, use port 23 and choose the Swedish DSMR (5S I thought it was).

          1. Marcel

            The difference is that if you’re using ESPHome (default on the SL+, unless you’ve requested for esp-link, or flashed it yourself) than it is an esphome device and needs to be integrated via ESPHome (like you did now). If you’re using esp-link, than all the data is send directly to home assistant and there processed. This happens via a serial2wifi bridge (thats all what esp-link is). Then you need to use the DSMR Slimme Meter integration.

            The difference is that esphome processes all the data and send the values to home assistant. Where esp-link doesnt process the data, it only sends it directly to home assistant. The end result is the same, yet esphome is more customizable 🙂

          2. Peter Norlander

            Hi Marcel!
            Ok, so I could flash it with esp-link instead and use the Slimme Meter integration. Sorry, but why? What is the pros/cons of this setup vs the one that I have now? 🙂

            Also another question. I experience connectivity issues with the device which is highly annoying because then I lose the track of the energy that was consumed during that period (right?). Is there a way to add an external antenna for increased wifi range or something that you can recommend? Thanks!

          3. Marcel

            Hi Peter, the main difference between esp-link and esphome is that esphome handles the data on the esp and sends/updates the sensor values. Thats all you need, right? The thing is, if esphome doesn’t support certain values yet, you cant get those values/sensors in Home Assistant. There comes esp-link. Esp-link doenst handle the data, it only sends the raw telegram data to Home Assistant, where Home Assistant handles the data (and you dont have to wait on support/changes within esphome).

            I will write a more fully detaild article about that when I come back from my business trip which I have upcomming week.

            You won’t loose the power consumption when the connection is lost for a certain time. The usage will be registered once it’s connecting again (and all the missed usage will be registered on that time). The only thing you’ll miss is the accuracy.

          4. Peter Norlander

            Hi Marcel!

            Thank you for the answer and great, I think a more detailed articled would be super. Looking forward to it to see if I want to go down that path or not. 🙂

  11. Bas Meijer

    Just updated with SlimmeLezer+ firmware 2021.12.1 and the checksum error is gone with the wind. Top notch quality again, Marcel! Everything else seems to be working fine.
    My first update so I had to realise a few minutes that I had to re-connect to my SSID again because of the loss of settings.
    Still not working with ESPHome. Docker gave me headaches before so tend to postpone the trying to make it work with Docker as long as possible and because updating is an option using the web-interface there is no real need luckily.

    1. Marcel

      There was no baud_rate: 0 under section ‘logger’, which is required for hardware serial to use. Please check again 🙂

      1. Patrick

        Hi Marcel,

        Ik krijg nu, met je laatste versie een error op ‘improv_serial’

        “improv_serial requires the logger baud_rate to be not 0”.

        Maar misschien is het al gemeld 😉

  12. Stiven

    Got my slimmelezer and it works perfectly, however, after I got my case printed, I removed the slimmelezer to mount it in the case and now it will not show “state” data
    Its only shows wi-fi info

    Firmware SlimmeLezer (ESPHome 2021.10.3 with checksum mismatch)

    #event: state
    #data: {“id”:”sensor-energy_consumed_luxembourg”,”state”:”nan kWh”,”value”:NaN}

      1. Tobias

        Well, for us that is not in “luxembourg” it seems stange with a sensor named like thatm should be more generic imho.

        Or am I missing something 🙂

        (Of course I can rename i HA and so on, but I get confused when I read it 😉 )

  13. Zsolt

    Dear Marcel,

    A little help would be much appreciated. Finally I managed to overcome the buffer and CRC check limitation, and data started to flow immediately. I’m not sure how to read and interpret the data, can you guide me on this a little bit? Is there total consumption and production, and also momentary consumption and production (Hungary, Sanxing SX601 (S12U16), with solar panels).

    I also see a difference on what data I see in the logs sent to HA, and what sensors actively running within HA: lot of sensors, which receive data seemingly from the terminal, show up as unavailable in HA, what am I missing here?

    I can’t pase picture here, so a small info from the log, this is the whole set of data coming from the reader:
    [14:41:38][D][text_sensor:067]: ‘DSMR Identification’: Sending state ‘AUX59902730247’
    [14:41:45][D][sensor:125]: ‘SlimmeLezer Wi-Fi Signal’: Sending state -50.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Energy Consumed Luxembourg’: Sending state 10406.90332 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Felhasznált energia 1-es tarifa’: Sending state 4328.22021 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Felhasznált energia 2-es tarifa’: Sending state 6078.68311 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Energy Produced Luxembourg’: Sending state 6650.94580 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Megtermelt energia 1-es tarifa’: Sending state 4627.27197 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Megtermelt energia 2-es tarifa’: Sending state 2023.67395 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Felhasznált energia’: Sending state 0.88000 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Megtermelt energia’: Sending state 0.00000 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 1 feszültség’: Sending state 229.50000 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 2 feszültség’: Sending state 228.39999 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 3 feszültség’: Sending state 229.20000 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 1 áramerősség’: Sending state 3.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 2 áramerősség’: Sending state 1.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [14:41:48][D][sensor:125]: ‘Fázis 3 áramerősség’: Sending state 1.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy

    In HA, I can only see DSMR ID number, production and consumption for Luxembourg, the rest of the sensor data are either unavailable, or the whole sensor gives an error message: entity_not_available (for example current, and consumption and production on phase level)

    Is there anything I could/should do to make these data available in HA?

    Many thanks in advance for your kind help.

    Your loyal customer

    1. Zsolt

      ok, never mind, I translated sensor names to my language in the device’s yaml, and this screwed up the sensors in HA. With the original names it works correctly. Now I would only need some help in how to interpret the data, which sensor means what.

    2. Marcel

      Hi Zsolt, sorry for my late reaction. It was quite hectic for me and was overwelmed with mail and comments on my website. Little too much for me 😉
      Did you manage to get it working now?

  14. Jeroen

    Hi, I have the P1 port slimmelezer wifi and when I go to the webserver I also see [E][dsmr:138]: !E9D6
    Checksum mismatch
    [E][dsmr:138]: !5AF1
    Checksum mismatch

    I have firmware Firmware: 2021.9.3 (Oct 18 2021, 16:47:16). I have no idea how and where I should add the above instructions. Can you describe it so it is monkey proof and I can fix my error?

    1. Marcel

      The best solution is to use your own esphome code. Install esphome add-on, add the code for slimmelezer, and install that on the slimmelezer. It seems esphome isnt working flawless, if you run your own code, you can update and modify your device yourself.

  15. Pieter

    Hoi Marcel,

    Vandaag de Slimmemeter binnengekomen. Configuratie ging makkelijk. Moest wel extra power aansluiten. Nog een vraag (ben newbie in home assistant), hoe kan ik de info in de energie tab van home assistant krijgen?


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