I’ve been running DSMR-reader from Dennis Siemensma now for more than a year and I’m quite enthusiastic about it. On my docker server it’s running in a container from Bram van Dartel (xirixiz). Because it’s running in a container, it is easy to maintain/upgrade and/or install it on any computer with docker on it.
At this moment I’m running the latest version, v4.6 (at the time of writing). Since version 4.1 the web socket is fully integrated and therefore no more need for using socat or ser2net. You can install it either dedicated on a Raspberry Pi or VM via Dennis Siemensma’s website. Or via a docker container from Bram van Dartel his GitHub page.
As input method you can either choose from the regular USB cable, or the network socket. The last option is needed for connecting to my P1 readers (both WiFi and Ethernet models):